10 Vines that accurately describe attending SFU


As SFU students, we know the struggles of harsh winters and loud sirens. We know the excitement of Airband and graduation. Here are 10 Vines that emulate what the SFU student experience is like.

  1. When you go down the Sig Chi slip ‘n slide…


2. When you are trying to get through finals week, but you’re low-key struggling…

3. When the sirens come on, and you’re not expecting it…

4. When the professor does attendance on the first day of classes…

5. Torvian workers be like…

6. Me: It’s so nice outside! I don’t even have to wear a jacket.

Loretto weather:

7. When you go to Airband and see all the sororities and fraternities battling it out…


8. When it’s your senior year, and graduation is rapidly approaching…

9. When you’re walking down the Mall, and you hear the good gossip…

10. When it’s corn beef hash day at Torv…