Cardinal Dolan to visit University on March 30

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the current archbishop of New York, will be visiting Saint Francis on Thursday, March 30. The university will also honor benefactors Lou and Pat DiCerbo that day.

Cardinal Dolan will celebrate Mass at 4 p.m. in the Maurice Stokes Athletics Center on March 30. A celebratory fundraiser dinner will follow the Mass.

Lou DiCerbo, Saint Francis Class of 1959, and his wife, Pat, have donated $1 million toward an endowment at the University. This money will fund Franciscan Studies and Roman Catholic Theology on campus.

“Cardinal Dolan is helping us focus on our Catholic and Franciscan identity,” said the Rev. Malachi Van Tassell, president of Saint Francis.

The last time a Cardinal visited Saint Francis was 1997, during the 150th anniversary celebration of the founding of the University.

“I am excited to celebrate Mass with such an important figure in the Catholic Church,” said a Saint Francis student, “and be part of a historical moment on campus.”

A native of St. Louis, Cardinal Dolan was appointed the 10th archbishop of New York by Pope Benedict in 2009. He served as president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops from 2010 to 2013.

“I hope he leaves us with a spirit of excitement and a spirit of enthusiasm about our faith,” said Father Malachi.

All students are encouraged to attend the Mass on March 30. SFU will operate on a condensed class schedule that day. For information on obtaining tickets for the Mass, which are free, please visit the link below: