ISC approves new bid system

Gabrielle McDermott, Reporter

The Inter-Sorority Council has proposed and enacted an alternative bid system that was put into place this fall semester.

The original Blue Card System only allowed potential new members to give one blue card to their top organization, signifying they want to join.  Unfortunately, sororities are not always able to accept every interested candidate.

The revised Blue Card System allows potential new members to select their top three organizations.   Potentials should only place organizations on the list that they would be happy and willing to join.  The hope is that all potential new members will receive a bid.

The members of the sorority will also turn in a list of girls to whom they would like to extend bids.  Danilynn Howard, Head of Greek Life and Assistant Director of Student Engagement, looks at each potential’s lists, and looks for her name on the lists presented to her by the sororities.  If the girl’s name appears on the list submitted by her top-ranked organization, Howard will put her name on a list sent to that organization by midnight of the night before Bid Night.  If not, Howard checks the second and third ranked organization’s lists to find a match.

With this system, the potential does not have to wait a full semester to join, like in the past with the one card system.  In the old system, often girls who are rejected do not attempt to rush again, and thus miss out on a chance to be Greek.

In the new system, girls will not be waiting in their rooms for a knock that never comes.  Instead, when the knock does come, there is an element of surprise as to which group they will be joining.   In the excitement of Bid Night and meeting new sisters, all the new members will be ready for a positive Greek life experience!  Hooray for (sorority) happily ever after!