Tips for Acing – and not Stressing Over – Your Final Exams

Final exams present an opportunity for students to demonstrate to their professors what they have learned throughout the semester.

These end-of-semester exams can also bring on high levels of stress and anxiety for students in the weeks leading up to them.

SFU’s 2023 Senior Class has now gone through the University’s Finals Week several times since arriving in Loretto and members of this group have picked up some wisdom along the way.

“I would say start earlier than you think you need to,” said senior Marketing major Abby Zambruno.

Education and Psychology double-major Riley Kromer agrees with Zambruno.

“Start early and plan ahead, but don’t forget to take breaks and time for yourself,” said Kromer.

Not everyone’s schedule will be full of exams. Many majors at the University require students to complete various projects as their final course responsibilities.

Nursing major Carysse Norris suggests that students focus on why they chose their major in the first place.

“Remember why you started,” said Norris. “Remember how many people you’ll be able to help after your exams.”

Senior Bella Bernard emphasized the importance of staying organized during Final Exams Week.

“Plan out what to do every day,” said Bernard. “Write it down and then cross it out so you are sure you don’t miss anything.”

Health Care Studies and Public Health double-major Amber Bryan stressed the importance of taking care of yourself so that you can be at your best at test time.

“I would tell the freshmen to make sure they sleep enough and fuel their bodies properly,” said Bryan. “Finals can be a stressful time. You want your brain to be sharp when it comes time to take the exam.”

Accounting and finance double-major Caileen Quinn advises underclassmen to trust that the work they have put in all semester will pay off during Exams Week.

“Don’t overthink it – you know more than you think you do,” said Quinn.

“Make yourself a balanced schedule to give yourself time to study and relax.”