SGA Hosts Town Hall

SGA Hosts Town Hall

Saint Francis’ Student Government Association hosted its Spring 2017 Town Hall on March 27, inviting University administration officials to the event to discuss a number of students’ concerns.

The Rev. Malachi Van Tassell, president of Saint Francis, discussed the ongoing budget cuts at the University. He assured students at the town hall that cuts will have a minimum impact on their experience at SFU.

“Faculty is the backbone of this institution,” Father Malachi told the audience. He also told students that scholarships will not be cut.

Fr. Malachi and Don Miles, SFU’s director of Residence Life, received applause after announcing the removal of cable in dorm rooms in favor of Broadband high-speed internet throughout campus. Cable television will remain available in the lounges of the residence halls.

Fr. Malachi also announced that the $4 million renovation of Sullivan Hall will begin soon. The renovation will benefit all students, he said, but especially those in the School of Health Sciences. While a timetable remains tentative, Fr. Malachi said he hopes the construction will start by May 2018.

Many SFU students have expressed strong opinions about the University’s Core Wellness requirements, and Pedro Muino, dean of the General Education Department, discussed its purpose.

Muino stressed that the Core Wellness program was created to benefit the physical, mental and emotional needs of students.

SGA is working alongside the General Education Department to draft a new proposal for Core Wellness requirements that both groups hope will be instituted by the 2017 fall semester.

“I think it is important to know that the SGA works very hard to make sure they are focusing on the relevant issues of students,” said Bobby Anderson, SGA advisor and Director of SFU’s Center for Student Engagement.