Study-Abroad Opportunities Available

Studying abroad is a great opportunity for students to take advantage of a unique learning experience.

“We have lots of options, including a semester-long trip to France and many other short-term trips throughout the year,” said Leona Horner, Director of the University’s Study Away Department.

The most popular study-abroad experience at SFU has been the Semester-in-France program. It is offered each fall and spring semester and is based in the town of Ambialet, France. The program also includes extended stays in Paris, Barcelona and Amsterdam.

A summer, month-long program in Ambialet is also available to students.

Other opportunities to study away from Loretto include a Shields School of Business spring break trip to London; a winter session in Europe; Spanish in Costa Rica; American Sign Language cruises and immersion experiences; Scuba Diving in St. Lucia or Bonaire; Biology in the Galapagos; Social Work in Thailand; HUGS (Helping Underprivileged; Giving Service) in the Bahamas; and other international service experiences that vary from year to year.

“I loved my experience studying abroad,” said Mattie Bossler, a student who studied in Ambialet in the spring of her sophomore year.

“It didn’t interfere with my education, it enhanced it. I was able to experience cultural diversity on a global level.

“I recommend it to any student.”

The Study Away Department works to make it possible for every student to study abroad, if they are interested.

Anatomy, fine arts and religious studies courses are typically offered in-person during the Semester-in-France program. Other courses offered depend on the faculty members who participate in the program that semester.

The courses that are offered during the shorter trips are also dependent on the faculty participating.

The cost of studying abroad varies by trip. The Semester-in-France program costs the same amount as a semester in Loretto. The HUGS trip to the Bahamas is the least expensive at $1,500. This cost does not include tuition.

For the HUGS trip, fundraising opportunities are available. Endowments are also available for all trips. These endowments must be applied for ahead of time. Winners of endowments are announced during the President’s Awards Ceremony each April.

All scholarships that students receive apply to the Semester-in-France program. External scholarships opportunities are also available.