University Announces President’s List and Dean’s List Honorees

The University recently announced the students named to the President’s and Dean’s Lists for the Fall 2020 semester. 

More than 750 students earned a spot on these lists.

In order to qualify for Dean’s List honors, a student must maintain a minimum grade-point-average of 3.5 through the semester. To make the President’s List, a student must achieve a 4.0.

Several students said that the abrupt end to in-person instruction during the 2020 spring semester served as a catalyst and motivated them to commit themselves more fully to their academic studies moving forward.

“Going home early was a huge shock to us last March,” said Andrew Schmidt, a junior Physical Therapy major who made the Dean’s list. 

“Now that we’re finally back, I have a newfound appreciation for it all. It is up to us to make the most of our studies. 

“Just because it is hard, doesn’t mean that it’s impossible.”

Freshman Joseph Ferragonio is a Finance major who managed to not only compete on the Red Flash men’s volleyball team in the fall, but also earn a 4.0 last semester to make the President’s list. 

Ferragonio believes that making the shift from a good student to a great student is a matter of consistency.

“The only way to achieve such a big goal is to do a little bit every day,” said the Irwin, Pennsylvania, native. “This routine of good habits will condition your mind to always be at work, not simply when in the classroom.”

“I just feel like I owe it to my teachers,” said Daniel Fry, a senior Economics major and multiple Dean’s List honoree. “During our remote semester, we got the opportunity to see how much our teachers care.

“We owe it to them to try our hardest in the classroom.”