March-of-Dimes Event a Success

Enactus members volunteered for the annual March of Dimes Chefs Auction at the Blair County Convention Center in Altoona last month. The benefit helps raise money for the March of Dimes through auctions.
March of Dimes works to improve the health of mothers and babies through medical research, education of pregnant women, community programs, government advocacy and support of pregnant women and mothers.
“Being able to volunteer to help with March of Dimes allowed me to see first-hand the difference this organization is able to make in people’s lives,” said Taylor Ponchione, a student who participated in the event.
The benefit raises money for March of Dimes through admission cost and several auctions taking place throughout the night. The auctions included both a silent and a live format.
“During the live speaker portion, the Rosenthall family, who suffered from pregnancy complications, was positively impacted by the March of Dimes in their time of need,” said Morgan Flack, another Enactus student who helped at the event.
“It made the time we donated all the more worth it, knowing that we could be helping another family in need.”
Enactus members assisted at the event in several different ways. Several students ran the check-in booth, while others assisted guests with coat storage.
Students who assisted also monitored the silent auctions, kept track of numbers for the live auction, and cleaned up at the end of the event.