SGA Executive Board Election Winners Excited to Begin Their Terms

The Student Government Association (SGA) Executive Board election results were announced on Nov. 6.
The winners of the election include Randee McGee (President), Alex Kiepert (Executive Vice President), Jessica Woods (Vice President of Communications) and Nicholas Mauro (Parliamentarian).
The elected board members will begin their terms on Dec. 3.
“I feel relieved that the election is over,” said McGee. “It was an honor to run against Rebekah Finafrock for president and we both campaigned very hard.”
In his role as president, McGee will meet with members of the SFU administration and other offices, voicing the concerns of the student body.
“I am very grateful to the student body. I hope to serve them in a way that represents them wholly.”
McGee said he wants to work to try and bring more mental health services to campus. He also wants to help the School of STEAM build a stronger identity during this transition period at the University.
As the newly elected Executive Vice President, sophomore Alex Kiepert will run SGA Senate meetings, plan and organize leadership conference and student-involvement awards, and serve on Faculty Senate along with McGee.
“I feel honored to be given the opportunity to serve the student population,” said Kiepert.
Kiepert said he wants to create opportunities for senators to develop leadership skills within SGA.
As the new Vice President for Communications, Woods will be responsible for managing the SGA’s social media accounts, creating promotional flyers, and preparing minutes at weekly Senate Executive board meetings and Senate meetings.
“I am very excited and very grateful to be elected to this position and I cannot wait to start working for the betterment of the student body,” said Woods.
Woods said she is looking to establish a more meaningful relationship with the student body, while also increasing communication within this group.
As the newly elected SGA Parliamentarian, Mauro will be responsible for enforcing “Robert’s Rules” during the weekly meetings, and ensuring that the SGA constitution and bylaws are followed. The Parliamentarian also revises, if necessary, the SGA constitution and bylaws annually.
“I want to make the Parliamentarian role more accessible to the student body,” said Mauro. “I think that most clubs and organizations on campus haven’t looked at their constitution in a long time and I want to be a resource for them to make their constitutions and bylaws more current.”