SFU Celebrates Multicultural Week
Multicultural Week has been held throughout this week and will culminate in the Multicultural Fest on Friday on the campus mall. There will be more than 30 stations to visit, represented by various clubs, departments and groups. Samples of cuisines from all around the world will also be available.
Multicultural Fest will also include costumes, music, dancing and games from around the globe.
“There are many international students who study on our campus,” said Lori Woods, an Associate Professor of history and one of the organizers of the event. “They can share their stories and also learn from others.
“Each country has their own culture and traditions that we need to understand and respect. Students can explore new things and become self-aware.”
Heema Desai, president of SFU’s International Student Association, will also be involved in Multicultural Fest. She participated last year, and highly encourages everyone to attend this year’s event.