2014 Greek Week champions named

Sigma Chi poses with the Greek Week trophy at the closing ceremony.

Gretchen Liska

Sigma Chi poses with the Greek Week trophy at the closing ceremony.

Juwaan Bellamy, Reporter

The clash of the Olympians took place this past week in Loretto, Pa.

Greek Week of 2014 proved to be a huge success for the fraternities and sororities of Saint Francis.

“Greek week demonstrates how fraternities and sororities can work together with creativity and athleticism,” said Cedric Forbes, Senior brother of Sigma Chi. “We want to see who will be the most victorious fraternity.”

There was an event each day that brought each fraternity and sorority together to battle again their opposing brother and sisterhoods. The events were tournaments of different games and sports.

The events of the week were: Monday’s Dodgeball, Tuesday’s Greek Sing, Wednesday’s Backyard games, Thursday’s Flag Football, and Friday’s Basketball and Volleyball.

Greek Week has shown to be a very interpersonal event within itself to each fraternity and sorority. Molly Razum, Junior sister of Theta Phi Alpha said that is a great way to spend time with her sisters and the Greek community.

“Greek week is a time to bond with your fraternity or sorority and bring everyone closer together,” said Todd Munchak, sophomore brother of Sigma Chi, when asked what Greek week meant to him.

With that being said, Phi Delta Kappa came together to start the week of strong by winning the dodgeball event. Phi Kappa Theta was also unified with their win in dodgeball for the fraternities.

Sigma Chi proved to be victorious in Tuesday’s Greek Sing Competition. Gamma Sigma Sigma also reigned victorious in the event.

“Greek Sing was a fun, creative way for everyone to express themselves through song and dancing,” said Cedric Forbes.

Wednesday’s Backyard Games started a bit earlier than the other events, commencing at 3 p.m. The games consisted of the corn hole, can jam, tug of war, and ladder ball. The winners of the games were Phi Kappa Theta and Alpha Phi Omega.

Greek Week’s favored event was Thursday’s Flag Football tournament. This was the most competitive sport of the week. Phi Kappa Theta and Gamma Sigma Sigma showed that their competitive spirit was out to win it by taking home first in this event.

“My favorite event was football,” said Molly Razum. “It is very competitive and teaches us to work together as a team and come together as a sorority.”

Eric Edwards, Sophomore of Phi Kappa Theta, said his favorite event was football because it was the best sport to get everyone involved.

The week concluded with basketball and volleyball as the final events. Fraternities played basketball and Sororities played volleyball.

Fraternity basketball proved to be extremely intense, resulting in the wreckage of one of Saint Francis’s basketball rims. Phi Kappa Theta finished strong with the win of the tournament.

Sorority volleyball was a huge hit in the conclusion of Greek Week. Delta Phi Epsilon was able to out jump the sororities for the win in their tournament.

Delta Phi Epsilon wins first place in Greek Week for the sororities.
Delta Phi Epsilon wins first place in Greek Week for the sororities.

Through the trials and the tribulations of Greek Week, only one sorority and fraternity could be crowned champions. Sigma Chi bested the opposing brotherhoods and won Greek Week for the fraternities, while Delta Phi Epsilon maintained a second place average for the majority of the events to become the winner of Greek Week.

Although the events were built through competition, they were also made to be fun for the Greek community.

“The events were fun because they were competitive,” said Richard Somiari, Senior brother of Sigma Chi.

Greek Week’s objective seemed to be who would be the best competitors, but ultimately, the goal was to increase the bond amongst each brother and sisterhood.

“I love being in a fraternity,” said Todd Munchak. “It is like being in a family. No matter what, there is always someone there for me.”

The improvisation of fraternity and sorority interpersonal relationships wasn’t the only vision for Greek Week. There was also the social aspect of Greek life.

“I enjoy being in a sorority because of the people I have met and how it branches out to the community,” said Molly Razum. “Also, it gives me something to do on the weekends, and many opportunities for school.”

Many fraternity and sorority members look to get a lot out of being in Greek life.

“What do I look to get out of being in a fraternity?” asked Eric Edwards. “That’s tough. I look to get worldwide connections, many opportunities, and a lifetime brotherhood.”