Etiquette Dinner teaches students manners

Saint Francis University Career Services along with the help of Society of Human Resource Management helped to sponsor an Etiquette Dinner for the campus community.

Career Services decides to offers events like the Etiquette Dinner because they feel it is essential that students are prepared for real life situations.

“Many students are not aware of just how many different table manners there are and the importance of knowing proper dining etiquette,” said Associate Director of Career Services, Beth McGregor.

Students are encouraged to attend the event to learn the basics of etiquette. After the program, students will be better prepared for future encounters in a work related setting.

“If you are knowledgeable of etiquette standards then you can feel comfortable in a social setting and best represent yourself,” said McGregor

Some of the topics covered at the dinner included table settings, how to properly eat soup, when it is proper to eat bread, how to pass salad dressing, and what foods are finger foods.

The 75-minute event took place on Thursday, February 13, in the JFK lounge and was attended by 55 Saint Francis students.


Upcoming events

Tues., Feb. 25 Resume and Cover Letter Drop-in Sessions-10am–2pm Raymond 203

Tues., Mar. 11 How to Make a Job/Internship Fair Work for you–12:20-1:00pm Scotus 208

Thurs., Mar. 13 Exploring Your Career (Career Testing Session)– 12:20-1:00pm Scotus 208

Thurs., April 3 Job/Internship Fair Extravaganza—JIFE 214—11am-3pm Stokes

Fri., April 4 “The Social Media Edge to Your Career Search”–  Special Alumni Speaker, Tim Hamilton—Time TBA – DiSepio 213/214