Food court to be open for business by fall semester

The long-awaited Frankie’s renovation is underway.

After working closely for the last few months, SGA and the administration’s first steps toward the new food court began with the closing of Frankie’s on March 24.

Physical Plant employees have already completed a lot of behind-the-scenes work, moving everything out of Frankie’s and helping with architectural specs.

The project is on schedule and projected to be completed by the start of the fall semester.

“My basic understanding is that when the freshmen arrive, it will be open for business,” said Fr. Malachi.

According to the president, bids from contractors all came in on time. The budget for the project is around $2 million.

Due to the interest rate on the University’s debt after a recent refinancing, it “made good economic sense” to take on the extra $2 million, according to Fr. Malachi.

“I like to call this ‘found money,’” said Fr. Malachi. “It just fell into our laps.

“Plus, it’s revenue used for generating a student space, which is a worthy cause.”

To commemorate the closing of Frankie’s, students were invited to sign the walls of the dining area before the remodeling work began.

The new food court will include four stations: Mexican, Mongolian, a grill and pizza.

These options were chosen by students who participated in a survey administered by SGA.

“SGA has been really good about working with administration, listening to students, and making sure it all gets rectified,” said Fr. Malachi.

The administration is hoping to renovate the upper level of JFK in phase two of its remodeling plans.

“This renovation will benefit all students,” said Fr. Malachi.

With this new dining option comes a new meal plan model, which students learned about at SGA’s Town Hall meeting on April 9.

“Once students understand the new plan, it will help allay their fears,” said Fr. Malachi.

“We’re working really hard with SGA to be responsive to student input.”