Five members of SFU’s Respect Life Club attended a March for Life in Harrisburg on Sept. 23.
The event was hosted by the National March for Life and the Pennsylvania Family Institute. It included multiple speakers who voiced their pro-life views.
“Proclaiming the pro-life message with signs and our voices, with thousands of others in attendance, was amazing,” said Jelana Boldizar.
Attendees at the event gathered on the front steps of the State Capitol and peacefully advocated for protection of the unborn.
“I was pleasantly surprised by the number of young people,” said Boldizar. “A large percentage of attendees were high school and college students.”
The first national March for Life was held in 1974, the year after the Roe vs. Wade decision. Last month’s event marked the fourth state-level March for Life in Pennsylvania.
“We listened to several speakers, from pro-life politicians, medical doctors, authors and religious leaders,” said Boldizar.
Speakers included Michael Geer, president of the Pennsylvania Family Institute, and national March for Life President Jeanne Mancini.