SGA Welcomes New Parliamentarian, Proposes Revisions to Parking Stickers

Kristi Hile has been named the new Parliamentarian for the Student Government Association and will assume this post as part of the SGA’s Executive Board. Hile previously served as one of the Shields School of Business senators.
“I am very excited about the new parliamentarian role,” said Hile. “Even though I am coming onto the SGA E-Board halfway through the semester, all the members have been so welcoming.
“I’m ready to step into the role and bring the constitution up to par with the new COVID world we are living in.”
SGA leaders have also announced that they are accepting applications for 2022, 2023 and 2024 class officer positions. The available positions include president, vice president, secretary and treasurer.
Students can find the application in their student email or online.
Applications and accompanying materials are due to the SGA Office by April 9 at noon. Elections will take place from April 12-16.
With safety concerns about the current parking stickers that are provided to students, members of the Senate voted at their last meeting to endorse a parking sticker proposal that will include limited information about the student and the school.
The proposal is that the new stickers not disclose a specific location of residence or even include the words “Saint Francis University.”
“After hearing a few reported incidents involving students being followed at various locations off campus, I thought it would be best to reimagine the parking sticker,” said SGA Senator Summer Stagman.
“This is to protect student’s privacy and allow them to drive safer without anyone knowing where they are traveling.”
The proposal is that the new sticker include a barcode with an expiration date which can be scanned by campus police.
“We want everyone to feel safe while traveling off campus,” said Stagman.
The parking sticker proposal will be presented at the next Campus Safety Committee meeting.