Students Weigh in on Polarizing National Issues

The presidential election is not the only hot-button topic currently on the minds of Americans. Troubadour editor Marina Misitano went afield to see how our student body feels about other polarizing issues facing the nation:
Sheets or Wawa?
Lucy Marrone – Wawa
“Wawa has better food and the people always hold the door.”
Fall Semester or Spring Semester?
Kelly Brown – Fall Semester
“I love fall and all the holidays!”
In-Person Classes or Zoom Classes?
Mark Kirk – In-Person Classes
“I feel as though you have a better educational experience and learn more.”
Beach Vacation or Camping Vacay?
Olivia Catalone – Beach Vacation
“I like the sunshine and the ocean.”
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
Caroline Ribich – Dunkin Donuts
“Starbucks is too expensive.”
Netflix or Hulu?
Marina Misitano – Netflix
“I feel like Netflix has a better variety of documentaries and movies.”
Cat or Dog?
Lauren Hutt – Dog
“My dog, Mila, is the cutest little pup I know!”
McDonald’s or Burger King?
Anthony Trgovic – McDonald’s
“Better food all around.”
iPhone or Android?
Yanessa Shabbick – iPhone
“The iPhone has a better-quality camera and better features, like iMessage.”
Ketchup or Mustard?
Ellie Szekeresh – Ketchup
“Not too much, though!