SFU increases donations for Movember

Movember is the annual November event in which men grow their mustaches to raise awareness of men’s health issues, particularly prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men’s suicide awareness.
At the start of November, participants completely shave their faces. For the rest of the month, men grow just their mustaches, while keeping everything else shaved.
The Saint Francis University Movember team raised over $4500 this year, $2000 more than last year. With a tremendous help from the campus community and Saint Francis University alumni, they were able to raise awareness and increase the funds donated for Movember.
This is the seventh annual Movember awareness month at Saint Francis University. Over the seven years that Saint Francis University has participated in the awareness for Movember, they have raised a significant amount of $15,000 to help contribute to the $800 million collected worldwide from Movember awareness over the years.
The initiative of Movember is “Stopping Men from Dying Too Young” from unnatural causes.
As the years go on at Saint Francis University, we hope to help with a big cause and contribute to making even more next year.