Annual Think Pink game held at Stokes
The Saint Francis women’s basketball team hosted the 2017 Think Pink Game on Feb. 11. They lost to Mount Saint Mary’s on the court but succeeded in bringing attention to breast cancer and raising funds for research of the disease.
SFU players and fans showed their support for the cause by wearing pink. The players’ pink jerseys were auctioned off, with the proceeds going toward breast cancer research.
At halftime, the Think Pink Push-up Showdown involved two contestants representing each Red Flash athletics team. The teams had gotten sponsors to donate money based on the number of push-ups completed by their player. Approximately $4,000 was raised in less than 15 minutes.
The Red Flash men’s soccer team participants won the competition, completing 348 push-ups. The most successful women’s team was the cheerleading squad, whose participants totaled 234 push-ups.