Lift for Life, 5K Run Scheduled for Saturday

The Saint Francis Uplifting Athletes chapter will be hosting its third annual Lift for Life event this Saturday, April 23.

This year, the organization has added a 5K run. All money raised will be donated to childhood apraxia research and awareness efforts.

Registration for the 5K will start at 11 a.m. Saturday morning, with the run beginning at noon in front of the Science Center.

The lift will take place at DeGol Field. Donations to participate are $3 for students, $5 for adults, and $25 for a group of 10.

The SFU football team took it upon themselves to start a chapter of Uplifting Athletes. The organization is a community of college football players from around the country working together to raise awareness and funding for rare diseases.

“I challenged them to find more ways to be involved in the community,” said Red Flash head football coach Chris Villarrial.

The chapter was started three years ago in honor of a former SFU player’s brother who suffers from apraxia. Since then, the chapter has grown, raising more awareness and funds every year.

“Our goal this year is to raise $10,000,” said Jimmy Marks, president of SFU’s Uplifting Athletes chapter and a junior offensive lineman on the team.

The team’s executive board has been meeting every two weeks to discuss new ideas for the event and ensure everything is running smoothly.

“The great thing about it is that the whole team gets involved,” said Villarrial. “As a coach, it’s very satisfying.”